In addition to Button, LED, Move and GPIO Hardware Tags, you can use the MESH SDK to create your original Software Tags as follows.
Flow control logics – e.g. Random
Internet service access (using Web API) – e.g. Weather forecast
Other device control (using Web API) – e.g. WiFi camera control
MESH SDK is a simple, install-free Web App and it works on your Web browser. Once you created your original Software Tags on the SDK, you can download and use them on the MESH App immediately.
Developer account is needed to use the MESH SDK. Please submit developer registration from “Start using the MESH SDK”.It will take a while to approve your registration. When your registration is approved, you will receive an e-mail including URL link. Then, please click URL to activate your developer account.
You can use the SDK on your Web browser.If you registered as developer, you can receive an e-mail including URL link to access the SDK page.Off course, you can access the SDK page from “Start using the MESH SDK” on the top of this page.It is recommended to access the SDK with PC.
Support browsers : Chrome, Firefox, Safari
You can define the Software Tag’s functionality by filling some setting items such as Tag name, Icon, etc. and writing some lines of JavaScript code.You can see JavaScript sample codes in FAQs.If you require more detail info, see Reference Manual.
To use your Tags on your tablet, signing in with your account on the MESH application and downloading your Tags to your tablet are requierd.Downloaded Tags are listed in the Tag list on Canvas as with other MESH Tags.
Drag & Drop and use your own original Software Tag!If you’re having problems with the Software Tag you’ve created, look at the debug log and check for errors.If you re-edit the Software Tag from the SDK page, you’ll’ have to update it on the application side.
Q. What is the MESH SDK? What can I develop with it?
A. MESH SDK is a simple, install-free Web App and it works on your Web browser.You can create your own original Software Tags such as “Flow control logic Tag”, “Internet service access Tag”, and “Other device control Tag”.
Q. Are there any JavaScript sample codes?
A. The followings are sample codes of “Counter Tag”. It counts the number of the input’s event and output the event when the counts are reached to the user configurable limit value. (Only 10 lines of codes work properly!)
return { runtimeValues : { count : 0 } };
/*** No Receive codes ***/
runtimeValues.count++; if (runtimeValues.count == properties.Limit) { runtimeValues.count = 0; return { resultType : "continue" , rutimeValues : runtimeValues }; } else { return { resultType : "pause" , runtimeValues : runtimeValues }; }
/*** No Result codes ***/
If you require other sample codes. See Reference Manual including “Sony WiFi Camera Control” and “Weather Forecast” samples.
Q. Can I use external JavaScript Library with MESH SDK?
A. Loading external library is not supported now. In further release, we have a plan to support it.
Q. How can I use / update my original Tag on MESH App?
A. “How to use / update your original Tags on MESH App” are shown below.
1. Download the latest version of MESH app from App Store.
2. Open Recipe list and tap upper right menu button.
3. Tap “SDK” button to open “SDK account dialog”.
4. Fill out your registered e-mail address and password and tap “Sign in” button”. If the set of the e-mail address and the password is correct, you will be signed in.
5. Please open Canvas. When you are successfully signed in, “Custom” category is shown on the bottom of Tag list.Then, tap “+” to open the dialog which lists “Custom Software Tags” developed with SDK.If you would fail to open dialog, please check if your tablet connects to the internet.
6. Select and tap Tag’s icon what you want to download / update.
7. Tap “Add” button.
8. Then the selected Custom Tag is automatically added to the Tag list or updated.
Q. Can I get hardware access using the SDK, such as taking the raw data of the Move Tag, or the control lighting pattern of the LED Tag?
A. Hardware access is not supported now.
Q. My original Tag does not work properly. How can I debug it?
A. “How to debug your original Tags” are shown below.
1. Open canvas and drag & drop your original Tag.
2. Tap “Log” button on Tag list.
3. Then, “SDK Log” dialog would be opened and you can see errors or Log messages inserted by “log(‘message you want to print’)” command in your codes.
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